These new enhancements just keep on coming and
here’s what we have to share with you today! D-SNP verification is
live right now. Agents are already loving the new customer lookup
and now we have this to add to our arsenal! Here’s what you need to
know.Screenshot below.
The D-SNP eligibility look-up is available in 29
states to determine which D-SNP plans a Medicaid beneficiary is
eligible to enroll. The look-up requires either social or
Medicaid ID and gender. A successful response will show the
agent which level of Medicaid the beneficiary has so they can find
a corresponding plan. In states where the look-up is not
available the agent will see a message stating that the lookup is
not available. The 29 states are
Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Washington West Virginia